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Best of 2011: In text and pictures

by Thomson Reuters Foundation
Tuesday, 3 January 2012 00:00 GMT

A devastating tsunami in Japan, conflicts in Ivory Coast and Libya, food emergencies in the Horn of Africa and North Korea… Thomson Reuters Foundation had its hands full in 2011 as its award-winning team of AlertNet journalists tackled some of the biggest humanitarian crises of the past decade.

Our reporters also covered corruption and women's rights issues around the world, delivering quality journalism to the Foundation's TrustLaw news service.

With correspondents on all continents, the editorial team collected powerful stories from the field, shone a light on underreported crises such as statelessness or North Korea's hidden hunger crisis and provided comprehensive analysis on cross-cutting global issues such as child marriage.

Please find a selection of Thomson Reuters Foundation news stories that made the headlines in 2011 on youtrust.org.

And have a look at the best Reuters pictures of 2011 here.

This year our team of journalists will be working just as hard to get you the latest humanitarian and legal news. Watch out in January for our next multimedia package, on aid effectiveness.

Happy 2012!

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
