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"Aid marketing I'd love to see"

by Alex Whiting | @AlexWhi | Thomson Reuters Foundation
Wednesday, 31 August 2011 11:54 GMT

* Any views expressed in this opinion piece are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Blog by a humanitarian aid worker


In this entertaining blog, an anonymous aid worker writes what they’d like to see in an aid marketing campaign.

Here are some choice quotes:

“We seriously f**ked up. More than once, actually. All the time, actually. Disaster response is impossible to get 100 percent right 100 percent of the time. You know how it is from watching TV: it’s a disaster. We go in, the power doesn’t work, we can’t communicate, it’s chaotic, logistics are impossible…”

“Your $20 won’t end hunger. Heck, you know what? You could give even a million dollars and it wouldn’t end hunger.”

“Your donation may go towards helping terrorists. That is a reality that we live with out in the field every single day.”

“Three years from now this place is still gonna suck. It sucked before the disaster, and it’s gonna suck even more for a very long time after. Honest-to-god, if we could change that reality we would. But we can’t. It takes a long time to recover from a big disaster.”

“Only about half of your donation goes ‘directly to beneficiaries.’ Maybe even less than that if you only count our cash transfer programs.”

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