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Trust Women scholarships: apply now

by Thomson Reuters Foundation
Monday, 2 September 2013 09:30 GMT

REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

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Know someone who should be attending the Trust Women Conference but cannot afford it?

A limited number of conference scholarships are available for exceptional individuals at the forefront of women’s rights. Priority will be given to candidates from developing countries.

Scholarships include free entry to the conference and/or a stipend of up to £800 to reimburse funds spent on air or train travel, hotel accommodation and ground transportation.

Attending the Trust Women Conference as a scholarship winner is an exciting opportunity. It provides beneficiaries and their respective organisations with a global platform for action.

Scholarship applications are open from 2–16 September 2013. Successful applicants will be notified by early October. When applying, please consider your visa requirements for UK travel and plan accordingly.

We are most thankful to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for their support of conference scholarships.

“I had a remarkable time and met a number of contacts who will be invaluable to our work moving forward as a small charity." -Julia Lalla-Majarajh, 2012 scholarship attendee and Founder of the Orchid Project

"There was a concrete vibe in the room throughout the conference that was focused on potential synergies, collaborations, and peer-to-peer engagement. I had valuable conversations with potential funders and partners and was able to engage with my NGO counterparts from across the world. The presentations and dialogue were lively and at times surprising which was a welcome change of pace." -Sarah Hakiel, 2012 scholarship attendee and Deputy Director, Polaris Project  

“I had the chance to see and meet such an interesting people and hear about their experiences on women's rights from around the world.” -Ulviyya Mammadova, 2012 scholarship attendee and Gender Specialist, Counterpart International

You can apply for a conference scholarship here.

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