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Specialised care in Benin: a successful skills transfer

by Terre des hommes | Terre des hommes (Tdh) - Switzerland
Tuesday, 16 February 2016 13:25 GMT

* Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Terre des hommes (Tdh) specialised care programme is on the way to achieving its goal of skills transfer. Last January paediatric surgeons from the Vaud University Hospital (CHUV) took part in a new mission in Benin.

Surgical cooperationbetween CHUV doctors and Benin doctors resulted in the operation of 67 children.

A brand new operating room

During this mission Benin doctors were able to work in close collaboration with their colleagues from the CHUV in the new operating room at the Abomey paediatric hospital which opened last year in Benin.

This mission enabled Swiss hospital staff to carry out and supervise operations and thus evaluate the capacity available for operating on children on site. Local nurses were also monitored and given training in order to enhance the capability of nursing staff.

Such missions are essential in order to ensure strong cooperation: training courses in new technology, seminars and conferences, meetings with officials who are in charge of public health matters, all of which will raise the standard of care at hospitals in Benin.

Reduce the number of children transferred in Europe

Tdh would like to increase medical childcare at a regional level as much as possible by prioritising transfers among West African countries. The paediatric hospital at Abomey could therefore become a regional point of reference for matters relating to paediatric surgery.

Twice a year since 1992, Tdh has been organising surgical missions and consultations. These missions provide the opportunity for children in Benin and Togo to be operated on site whilst at the same time strengthening the skills of local hospital staff.
