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Africa: Starvation threatens 1.4 million children

by Malteser International | @malteserint. | Malteser International
Wednesday, 22 February 2017 11:48 GMT

In northern Kenya, around 2.7 million people are living in the grip of a punishing drought. Photo: Malteser International

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Malteser International helps children in Kenya and South Sudan

Cologne: The United Nations has reported that starvation threatens more than a million children in Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen, and South Sudan. Conditions in other countries Africa are also worsening – with growing hunger caused by months of drought leaving children amongst the most badly affected. “A crisis has been developing quietly across swathes of Africa in the shadow of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, as an ever-worsening drought places increasing numbers of lives and livelihoods in danger. The people affected need help urgently, otherwise they are going to starve,” said Roland Hansen, head of Malteser International’s Africa team.

Additional factors contributing to the wave of hunger in Africa include the ongoing civil war in South Sudan, which has caused explosive inflation. In this country alone, around 100,000 lives are threatened by hunger, while five million people are in urgent need of food supplies. Malteser International is providing an ever-growing number of children with food in order to alleviate the greatest need.

In the South Sudanese capital Juba, Malteser International provides 2,000 children with a warm meal each day during school. A further 3,000 children in the city of Wau – including children from displaced as well as local families – will also receive school meals in the immediate future. Malteser International is already helping local people with the cultivation of vegetables and cereals as hostilities in the country make conditions for agriculture increasingly difficult, and cause the price of basic foodstuffs to increase wildly. In order to ensure that displaced people in Wau have reliable access to clean drinking water, Malteser International has sunk eighteen boreholes to supply camps in the area, where around 45,000 displaced people are living in the closest of quarters.

Conditions for people in northern Kenya also continue to worsen. No rain has fallen in parts of the country for months. In this region alone, around 2.7 million people are living in the grip of a punishing drought. The situation in Marsabit is especially dire, and more than half of the county’s children are undernourished. People in the area depend almost exclusively on cattle husbandry, and eighty percent of their livestock is already dead – leaving them with no means to buy food or to feed themselves from their animals. The local health station supported by Malteser International is currently distributing food supplements to undernourished children, as well as beans and cornmeal to feed 2,500 families.

For editors: Roland Hansen, head of Malteser International’s Africa team is available for interviews.

Contact: Tel.: +49 (0)221 9822 155, katharina.kiecol(at)malteser-international.org

We are urgently calling for donations to help the people of the region!
