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Habiba Sarobi has survived violent opposition and numerous threats to her life in order to govern her province in Afghanistan - a province that is home to an ActionAid education project. For the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, she has come to the United Kingdom as ActionAid's guest to meet members of the UK government and discuss what we can do to make sure that women like Mina (in the video below) can lead lives free from fear. Tonight (7th March), Habiba Sarobi will speak at at an event in Parliament chaired by award-winning journalist Martha Kearney, with Harriet Harman making the closing remarks. She will also be meeting with members of the government and the opposition. She'll also be joined by two women members of the Afghan parliament, Shinkai Karokhali and Elay Ershad, and by Asila Wardak Jamal, founder of the Afghan Women's Network.