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Sustainable sanitation supplants chemical fertilizer with human waste

by Julie Mollins | Thomson Reuters Foundation
Wednesday, 24 August 2011 22:30 GMT

* Any views expressed in this opinion piece are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

An ecological sanitation programme hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute, promotes the use of human waste as compost materials

STOCKHOLM (AlertNet) - Arno Rosemarin, senior research fellow of the EcoSanRes programme at the Stockholm Environment Institute, speaks with AlertNet about his work.

EcoSanRes is an ecological sanitation programme hosted by Swedish Environment Institute, promoting the use of human faeces and urine as compost materials.

At least 2.6 billion people have no sanitation. About 2.8 billion have access to substandard, unhygienic sanitation, which contaminates the human and natural environments.

Ecological sanitation helps protect the environment and human health while reducing water use in sanitation systems and recycling nutrients to help reduce the need to for artificial fertilizers in agriculture.

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