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Womens Shelter Focuses on Healing as Culture of Violence Persists in Kosovo

by Global Press Institute | Global Press Institute
Friday, 21 October 2011 10:52 GMT

* Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

PRISHTINA, KOSOVO - In Kosovo, Europe's newest and poorest country, domestic violence is rampant but little-discussed in these post-war hard economic times. According to a recent report on human rights practices in Kosovo, victims of domestic violence here have little access to justice and just 1 percent of victims seek the protection of shelters. But there are signs of hope in one Prishtina women's shelter, where residents say they are focused on healing. The women of the shelter spend their days learning new skills and have even started a business making honey-based products that they say nourish themselves and consumers inside and out. Editor's note: For safety and privacy reasons, the shelter itself could not be photographed.