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Internet freedom a priority - Netherlands foreign minister

by Julie Mollins | Thomson Reuters Foundation
Thursday, 3 November 2011 10:49 GMT

* Any views expressed in this opinion piece are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The innovative capacity of business will help expand Internet access in the developing world, Uri Rosenthal, Netherlands foreign minister says

LONDON (AlertNet) - The innovative capacity of business will help expand Internet access in the developing world, Uri Rosenthal, Netherlands foreign minister said on Tuesday in an interview with AlertNet at the London Conference on Cyberspace.

Internet freedom and human rights are foreign policy priorities for the Netherlands, which feels it is being held back in international forums by countries with less concern, other interests and "lowest common denominator" outcomes, a spokesman said in a statement.

The Netherlands will host a high-level meeting on December 9, 2011, in the Hague which will focus on the role of governments in proactively protecting online freedom, how to work better together to support bloggers and cyber-dissidents and how to ensure companies take more responsibility for protecting online freedom, the statement said.

The conference will be accessible online and streamed live on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NLinternetfreedom. Follow the conference on Twitter: @onlinerightsNL

More information will become available at www.minbuza.nl/internetfreedom

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