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Deteriorating situation in DRC as refugees continue to flee

by Plan UK | Plan UK
Tuesday, 27 August 2013 12:21 GMT

* Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Fleeing refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo say the security situation is deteriorating there, reports children’s charity Plan International.

It follows media reports of renewed fighting between rebels and government forces in recent days, resulting in heavy casualties.

More than 400 villagers arrived at the Bubukwanga transit camp, just over the border in Uganda, in one day last week.

“The new arrivals reported a deteriorating security situation around Kamango town in DR Congo, close to the Ugandan border,” says Fikru Abebe, Plan’s country director in Uganda.

About 66,000 people have crossed the border into Uganda since fighting began in mid-July.

Although hundreds are being relocated to a refugee settlement in western Uganda, more than 21,000 people remain in the Bubukwanga transit camp.

Plan is targeting its support to help 8,000 children there, many with harrowing stories.

“The need for warm clothing has been highlighted as a gap,” says Mr Abebe.

“Therefore Plan will provide children aged up to 11 with warm clothing, with distribution planned for early next week.

“We will continue monitoring the situation as it unfolds and initiate strategic discussions with other child-centred agencies,” he adds.

Fighting broke out in Kamango, in eastern Congo, on July 11. Rebels briefly over-ran the town before it was re-taken by the army.

In the past week it has been reported that fighting has resumed in the area north of the city of Goma.

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