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Preliminary Appeal
Central African Republic
Assistance to Support & Protect War Affected Vulnerable Communities in the Central African Republic – CAF151
Preliminary Appeal Target: US$ 2,221, 414
Geneva, 8 January 2015
The situation in CAR took a dramatic turn following the March 2013 Coup d'Etat, with the conflict escalating into unprecedented levels of violence. The events that took place in Bangui in December 2013 constituted a peak in the conflict bringing the capital in a cycle of reprisals among citizens, with violent clashes between (largely Christian) Anti-Balaka and (mainly Muslim) ex-Seleka that spread across the country. Violence in CAR has caused massive internal displacements and pushed hundreds of thousands to flee the country. Since December 2013, approximately 25 per cent of CAR’s population has been internally displaced by the con¬flict, which has divided the country along ethno-religious lines. At the peak of the unrest in early 2014, more than 930,000 people were displaced. More than half of the population is still in need of humanitarian assistance. Simultaneously, this con¬flict has had a regional impact, more than 190,000 Central African refugees having ¬ fled to Cameroon, Chad, the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since December 2013.
ACT members in CAF, LWF and FCA are planning to provide services to the internally displaced people in form of protection and education projects.
LWF have a varied portfolio of projects targeted at social cohesion, livelihoods, Protection; Peace building; Conflict resolution; Youth engagement; Psychosocial Support; Education; Food Security; Nutrition and WASH in Ouham Pendé and Nana Mambéré.
FCA has a focus on providing education, rehabilitating schools infrastructure, providing teaching material, psychosocial support and teacher training on Education in Emergency.
For the full appeal document, please click here.