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South Sudan: Award-winning film at the “Swiss Web Program Festival”

by Terre des hommes | Terre des hommes (Tdh) - Switzerland
Friday, 4 December 2015 07:52 GMT

© Tdh

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„Opposing harm“ is the title of the film produced by Terre des hommes and messieurs.ch, in which former child soldiers speak about their experience. The movie shows the intervention of Terre des hommes (Tdh) in war-torn South Sudan. There, the organization fights for the protection of children and their reintegration into society.

The award

The 17min-long movie, which was shot in May 2015, illustrates the projects on site. It recently received the public’s award at the Swiss Web Program Festival in the category “News, Reports, Politics”. The festival is the first event in Switzerland bringing writers, film producers and designers, as well as communication and distribution professionals together. It aims at promoting creativity in web production and communication.

“The collaboration was great with messieurs.ch. They're young, full of ideas and energy. They already worked for us on a few video projects, but it's their first time on the field for us,” Joakim Löb, in charge of multimedia development at Terre des hommes, said about the collaboration with messieurs.ch.

Disengagement of 283 child soldiers

In South Sudan, Terre des hommes in collaboration with UNICEF conducted the disengagement of 283 child soldiers, who were active in the armed struggle of the ‘cobra faction’. The children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 were disarmed in their remote villages, Labrab, Boma and Pochalla in the presence of their militia leaders. Afterwards, they were brought to a temporary Terre des hommes shelter, where they received aid in the form of food and accommodation. There, they were also protected against further abductions by militias. Terre des hommes organizes the search for the families of the children and their reintegration into society in collaboration with local authorities.

Terre des hommes is improving the living conditions of more than two million children and their families each year. Find out more about or projects in South Sudan.
