Context provides news and analysis on three of the world’s most critical issues:
climate change, the impact of technology on society, and inclusive economies.
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Roxane Philson serves as ONE’s Chief Marketing Officer, based in Washington DC. She leads the organization's gender equality campaign, under the banner of "Poverty is Sexist". She manages creative development and digital efforts for ONE, from videos to pop concerts to social media. Roxane has worked on major music events for the organization such as Live 8, and U2 tours including Vertigo, 360 and Innocence and Experience. She directed Agit8 for the ONE campaign during the run up to the G8 summit in the UK in 2013 including a two day gig at the...
Our global editorial team of about 55 journalists and more than 350 freelancers covers the lives of people around the world who struggle to live freely or fairly.
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