OPINION: COVID-19: Social protection responses were opaque, lacked privacy
Many social protection programmes lacked basic human rights considerations, from inception to implementation, leaving the most vulnerable excluded
OPINION: After 50 years of Pride it’s time to show intersectional queer people they belong
Queer people of colour can struggle to find a sense of belonging when they also face other discrimination within the LGBTQ+ community.
OPINION: Ukraine response shows what’s possible for world’s most neglected
The glaring gap between the response to the Ukraine crisis and the meagre support offered to many of the world’s neglected crises is undeniable
OPINION: HIV employment barriers have lifted – now we can’t let stigma hold us back
People living with HIV in the UK are now not restricted from doing any job - what next to end workplace stigma?
OPINION: EU Digital Services Act brings us closer to an inclusive, equitable internet
Strong enforcement of the DSA can bring human rights improvements, but real alternatives to the current dominant surveillance business model are still needed
OPINION: The UN General Assembly must back the right to a healthy environment
Adopting this resolution would help states to respect, protect, and fulfil the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment
OPINION: To beat rising hunger, Africa needs a sustainable food business
Inefficient markets and limited access to finance and services often lead to waste and loss - but support for small businesses can build local supply chains
OPINION Nothing about us without us: Queer youth deserve a seat at the table
Young queer voices are continually sidelined in policy-making discussions, despite being heavily affected by their outcomes. It’s time for that to change.
OPINION: India’s overbroad content takedown powers threaten internet freedom
Twitter's legal challenge of India’s content takedown powers is a step in the right direction for the future of digital rights protections in India and elsewhere.
OPINION: Europe classifying gas and nuclear power as green is greenwashing
The European Union can expect to see its new classification challenged in court