OPINION: Food crisis promises a global wave of unrest
As soaring food and fuel prices push many to the edge, many take to the streets to ask their governments why they can’t do more to protect them
OPINION: Social protection must be extended to millions of excluded informal workers
Informal workers tend to be those most in need of social protection, yet they are among the groups most likely to be left out.
OPINION: Lack of progress on loss and damage endangers international climate cooperation
While governments haggle, those people who did the least to cause the climate crisis are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and debt
OPINION: The UK needs new legislation for biometric technologies
Biometric technologies impact our daily lives in powerful ways and are proliferating without an adequate legal framework in place
OPINION: Companies from developing markets are crucial to meet the Sustainable Development Goals
If we’re serious about achieving these goals, we must pay more attention to companies from emerging and developing economies as their impact is ever growing.
OPINION: If international corporations hold ESG principles dearly, it is time to end business with Russia
By remaining in the Russian market, western business leaders collaborate with a corrupt regime that disregards international law and pays no respect to human rights
OPINION: Roe v Wade and the need for fair, meaningful protections for data privacy
Everyone deserves to have control over the information they leave on their phones and computers. It’s time our laws and practices changed to give all users meaningful and lasting data privacy
OPINION: Roe V. Wade reversal displays urgent need for firms to end abusive data practices
To truly protect ourselves and our communities from abortion surveillance, we have to make surveillance less profitable - and that’s the responsibility of companies and lawmakers, not individuals.
OPINION: The glare of Pride can alienate those facing ongoing violence and oppression
Pride isn’t a celebration for everyone. For those living alongside the threat of violence, attending an event can be an act of extraordinary bravery
OPINION: Digital Services Act: time for Europe to turn the tables on Big Tech
The EU’s new Digital Services Act is a blueprint for forcing Facebook, Youtube, and other major online platforms to tackle the serious risks they pose to individuals and the public sphere. Its success now depends on whether EU officials will effectively enforce the law