Cow power: Indian coal state seeks greener energy from dung
As Chhattisgarh looks for alternatives to fossil fuels, rural women's groups will be equipped to run biogas production, boosting electricity access and incomes, says its top minister
OPINION: Out of Ukraine war, a plan for Africa's food security
A foreign conflict has exposed Africa’s dependence on imports and is galvanising action to boost local food production and tackle climate threats
Cow power: Indian coal state seeks greener energy from dung
As Chhattisgarh looks for alternatives to fossil fuels, rural women's groups will be equipped to run biogas production, boosting electricity access and incomes, says its top minister
OPINION: Why world's youth are using climate strike to call for reparations
Fridays For Future activists take to the streets today to demand climate reparations and justice. Reparations are not charity, but an obligation of the Global North
How can 'sponge cities' use nature to tackle climate-fuelled floods?
A new AI-based study compares cities' trees and lakes to how much concrete they have, to gauge their ability to respond to climate shocks
Tropical forests turn down the planet's heat by 1C, scientists find
Forests should be valued not only for their role in curbing emissions and as a source of carbon credits but also for the direct benefits they offer to communities, researchers say
U.N. to roll out global early-warning systems for extreme weather
One-third of people, mainly in the poorest nations and small island developing states, are still not covered by weather forecasting and other ways of alerting them to threats
Africa's water security perilous - but data reveals surprises
An early assessment of the continent's water security finds Egypt ranked most secure - but climate change presenting threats across Africa
Egypt erects sand barriers as rising sea swallows the Nile Delta
COP27 host hopes low-cost sand dikes can help hold back the Mediterranean Sea and protect the homes and incomes of people in the country's breadbasket
Ukraine crisis forces world to confront its oil and gas addiction
Spiking fossil fuel prices amid the Russia-Ukraine war, make switching to clean energy and using less energy even more urgent - but the transition must be fair, researchers say