My body is not a game: ending gender based violence in Brazil
It is as widespread as the nation's beloved soccer, which is played everywhere from rural provinces to dense slums and metropolitan towns. There are no winners, only victims in Brazil's epidemic of violence against girls and women.
A day in the life of Thaiza Vitória da Silva, Rio de Janeiro
Thaiza Vitória da Silva is a 15-year-old handball player from Brazil, who will be representing the 400 girls currently participating in the 'One Win Leads to Another' programmed during the Torch Relay for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
When 'toys' explode in Gaza
"I thought it was a toy before it exploded in my hand," the 11-year-old said in her home in Gaza City, where she picked up an unexploded remnant from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Refugees Got Talent
The UNHCR launched the “Refugees Got Talent” competition to mark World Refugee Day and showcase the talents of young refugees of university age.
A fair chance for every child
Deprivation in childhood touches every area of children’s lives, compromising their health, safety and education
Children of Peace – Hamisu’s story
Today, 37 million children are out of school due to conflict. Around one million of them are in northeast Nigeria, where fighting has displaced 2.2 million people, mostly women and children.
Life after Ebola: The hopes and challenges
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported over two years ago – despite the acute challenges, communities are demonstrating strong resilience and with support from aid organisations, children are starting to regain a sense of normality.
Portraits from the camps: Life as a refugee child
Award-winning photographer's new series of images depicting what it’s really like to be a refugee child